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Backhoe Ford 755B,. Diesel $4500


Last updated 28 days ago in Miami, FL

Condition: Used (normal wear)

Listed in categories: Business equipment - Farming & Agriculture

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Backhoe Ford 755B,. Diesel $4500


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1992 Ford 755B backhoe loader, very large, strong and powerful machine which handles heavy jobs easily, diesel engine, automatic transmission, weighs about 20,000 lbs now due to the solid puncture proof tires, new battery, new starter, new oil filter, new hydraulic filter, new engine oil, new hydraulic oil, new fuel filter, new air filter, rebuilt hydraulic steering cylinders,any new hydraulic hoses, new steel plates inside front bucket. The engine, transmission and hydraulic pump work good. I recently used this backhoe for two months loading over 200, 000 lbs of scrap. I have owned this backhoe for about 4 years.. The backhoe has worked well for me for the purposes of scrap metal loading and compacting scrap metal into roll off dumpsters but there are many areas that need repairs depending on what you need to use the backhoe for. The solid back tire tread is coming off the tire but this solid tire can not go flat, the brakes are weak, the changing system is not working, the starter must be jumped to start, the steering must be done manually because there's some thing wrong with the steering but I have a new steering pump that I am including with the sale

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