❤️🍃 Hawaiian Pothos Plant Valentines Day Sale 🍃❤️
Last updated 7 days ago in Tacoma, WA
Condition: New
Listed in categories: Home & Garden - Lawn & Garden - Plants & Seeds
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For Sale Variegated Hawaiian Pothos Life Plant in 7 “ pot. One of the best indoor air purifying houseplants. It was tended with love. We can help you transplant this plant in your container. It has a lot of potential to fill out you space. Caring for houseplants like the Hawaiian Photos can be a relaxing and stress-relieving hobby. The routine of watering and inspecting your plants can help lower cortisol levels and provide a sense of calm Pothos are low maintenance plants. This is a trailing vine with pointed, heart shaped leaves. It is more tolerant to watering schedule and light availability than other plants! Pothos plants are rated as one of the best houseplants for cleaning the air of toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and carbon monoxide. It is impossible not to fall in love with this amazing plant. 🍃❤️
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