Fish tanks and accessories
Last updated about 1 month ago in Pennsauken Township, NJ
Condition: Used (normal wear)
Listed in categories: Pet supplies - Pet carriers & Houses - Aquariums & Tank decor
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selling all of these fish tanks plus a little bit of food and other aquarium accessories. Comes with all lights, heaters, filters, ect. would like to sell and get rid of as much as I can as quick as I can as a bundle but am willing to sell specific things, most of them need cleaning/maintenance. the fluval has had problems pumping but I think with a good clean it will work like new. The smallest and corner fish tank don't have a filter or heater, and the corner fish tank has a small crack in the wood but holds water fine. Please send a message if you are interested in buying anything in the photos. will sell everything for 500 obo.
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