40 Gal Fish Tank Fresh Or Salt
Last updated 3 months ago in Dallas, TX
Condition: Used (normal wear)
Listed in categories: Pet supplies - Pet carriers & Houses - Aquariums & Tank decor
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Tank Capacity
40-50 gallon
Water Type
All water types
This is a BioLife 40 gallon tank. It comes with a built-in filter and bio life filter balls, as well as the pump. The lid offers a blue light for slowly adjusting to dark at night or from dark to day light. The lid also includes a built-in fan to keep the lights cool during use. Decorations, thermometers, heater and substrate not included. This does include a volcano decor of the bubbler with tubing (Not the bubbler itself)17oz of phosphorus, 4oz of pH up, 4oz of Stress Coat +, 8oz of concentrated water conditioner and less than 100 fresh and salt water test strip. Which test Nitrate,Nitrite,Hardness,Carbinate, and PH
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