Dive Gear
Last updated about 1 month ago in Montana City, MT
Condition: Used (normal wear)
Listed in categories: Sports & Outdoors - Water sports - Other - Water sports
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Ads up its avaliable, will not reply to that question... All gear is like new, light and sling have never been in the water.. Tanks look ruff from sitting and will probably need inspection.. their perfect on the inside, never been below 1200psi.. bought for work, used to fill a pellot gun.. Tank $150×2 Sling $60 Regulator with console/computer $400 Seaquest pro $225 25 lbs lead $100 Light&motion 1200 $200 $1285 is a good a good deal, buy the whole package for $1000! I bet I have maybe 2 hours u/w with this gear... (contact info removed)
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