TarantulaCribs - Medium Treehouse Enclosures
Last updated 2 months ago in Rockwall, TX
Condition: Used (normal wear)
Listed in categories: Pet supplies - Pet carriers & Houses - Pet houses
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Spider enclosures
Arboreal enclosures for tarantulas and adult jumping spiders! They’re in great condition with some very minor scratches. Decor included (minus the substrate and moss). 2 stackable medium enclosures with sliding, magnetic doors: $45 ea. Or $80 for both 1 medium enclosure with a canopy, magnetic lid: $60 Or $130 for all 3 Decor (this is ideal for jumping spiders or very small tarantulas): 5 different logs for climbing (2 are hollow and double as hides) 2 magnetic hides 2 magnetic ledges for lounging 2 white, sparkly rocks, 1 green one. The fogginess on the enclosures from the photos with the decor is webbing from my jumping spiders. The photos where the enclosures are empty is after they were thoroughly cleaned.
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