6 tons of screened top soil for sale delivered to you in greater Henderson County
Last updated 8 months ago in Hendersonville, NC
Condition: New
Listed in categories: General
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6 tons of great rich topsoil for sale and delivered straight to you for $325 a dump truck load in the greater Henderson County areas. 16 tons of top soil for $650. ā- Additional items available for sale and delivery to you in the greater Henderson County area: 6 tons of 3/4 gravel for $350, 16 tons for $750. 6 tons of Crusher run (ABC, road bond) gravel for $300, 16 tons for $700. 6 tons of Fill dirt for $245, 18 tons for $395. 6 tons of Topsoil for $325, 18 tons for $650. 6 tons of RR ballast for $350, 16 tons for $750. 6 tons of Class A or B rip rap for $350, 16 tons for for $750. 10 yards of mulch for $515, 20 yards of mulch for $850. All other gravel for $350 per 6 ton load or $750 per 16 ton load. --- I can tailgate spread gravel on most driveways for no extra cost In the smaller dump truck. The conditions MUST be ideal in order for me to tailgate spread with the bigger dump truck. Message for a quote today and let Hauling Solutions be your solution. --- HAULING SOLUTIONS Eight to 8. Seven 76. Ninety-three 77 BONDED & INSURED