Small hutch delivery available
Last updated 10 days ago in St. Petersburg, FL
Condition: Used (normal wear)
Listed in categories: Home & Garden - Furniture - Bookcases & Shelves
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--------YES IT’S AVAILABLE------- (((WHEN))) would you like to see it OR have it delivered?- First come first served ---hold 48 hrs w/deposit Small Wood Hutch (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) H:40" W41" D:13 EXCELLENT CONDITION BE PREPARED TO TALK ON THE PHONE. Relying on messaging = MISCOMMUNICATION = TIME WASTED = MESSED UP DEALS** **IF WE ARE MEETING I NEED AN ETA** ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL “”I’m leave now”” is NOT an ETA view/ pick up ----NEAR WALMART ----- (1ST Ave N and 34th st ST PETE)------ Click SELLER PROFILE- or- MORE ADS BY USER to view MORE OPTIONS for FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, TOOLS, AND HOMEGOODS AND FOLLOW DELIVERY $20 < 5 mile radius
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